AbouT US


AN ISO 9001:2015, ISO14001:2015,ISO 45001:2018, ISO 31000:2018, ISO 22301:2019 & ISO 26000:2010 CERTIFIED COMPANY

Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals is proud to be one of the leading Pharmaceutical and Medical Company in the U.A.E complying with International and Local standards / regulations. We have an emphatic presence across the U.A.E with a wider repertoire as diverse as the great culture of the emirates healthcare strategy.

Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals continually initiate the improvement to maintain our customer’s satisfaction, the quality of our product and services which is our prime motto “Quality & Service” of our business through our best resources, state of the art facilities, uncompromising services and managing/continually improving our system in line with

ISO 9001:2015 (Quality)
ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental)
ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety)
ISO 31000:2018 (Risk Management)
ISO 22301:2019 (Business Continuity Management) 
ISO 26000:2010 (Social Responsibility) 

We understand the era of changes and achievement of our customer requirements through introducing best services to promote its values at each level within organization and in the market.

Registration Certificates